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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 27 » VideoCacheView 2.45 + Portable
VideoCacheView 2.45 + Portable
VideoCacheView 2.45 + Portable
VideoCacheView - просто может "выхватить" из кеша браузера мультимедиа файлы (видео, аудио, графику и flash ролики) , которые вы просматривали при посещении разных веб-сайтов. После автоматического сканирования содержимого кэшей Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera и других браузеров, VideoCacheView выводит перечень всех доступных файлов, которые можно здесь же проиграть, сохранить на диск, открыть ссылку на ролик в браузере либо скопировать ее в буфер обмена. Не считая этого, программка покажет дату последнего доступа к файлу, его размер, тип и т.д.
Наиглавнейшие особенности:
* Freeware
* Сохраняет загруженные в кеш видео файлы
* Позволяет просматривать видео прямо в кэше
* Обычный понятный интерфейс
* Portable program (не просит инсталяции)

After following a video in a Web website, you may desire to preserve the video file into your local saucer for running it offline in the future. If the video file is stored in your browser's hoard, this usefulness can help you to extract the video file from the hoard and preserve it for following it in the future. It mechanically rakes the intact hoard of Internet Adventurer and Mozilla - established Web browsers ( Admitting Firefox ) and finds all video files that are presently stored in it. It appropriates you to well copy the hoard video files into another booklet for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a picture musician that is configured to play flv files, it besides appropriates you to play the video straight from your browser's hoard.

Applying VideoCacheView

VideoCacheView doesn't want whatsoever initiation operation or extra DLL charges. In order to commence applying it, plainly race the executable file ( VideoCacheView.exe )

After running VideoCacheView, it rake the hoard booklets of your Internet Adventurer and Мозилла browsers, as well as the irregular booklet of Windowpanes. Wait 5 - 30 seconds until the raking process is ended, and the main window of VideoCacheView should display all the video files that are presently in hoard.

After the video list is exposed, you can use one of the following choices, simulating that the video files are stored in the hoard ('In Hoard' = Yes):

Maneuver Chose File: Appropriates you to maneuver the video file straight from the hoard, simulating that you have a video musician that is configured to maneuver.flv files.
Copy Chose Files To: Appropriates to copy the video files from the hoard into another booklet, so you will be capable to play them in the future.

If you have a video file that is not stored in the hoard ('In Hoard' = No), you can use the 'Assailable Download URL In Browser' option (F8) in order to download the video file. You can also use the 'Replicate Download URLs' option (Ctrl+U) to copy the download URLs to the clipboard, and then use then in your browser or in other download software.
Be witting that some Entanglement websites may not appropriate you to download a video file inwards this means.

Brassy Television Charges Inwards Irregular Booklet

Each time that a Web browser plays a Flash video file, the.flv file is preserved into the irregular booklet of Windowpanes. Ordinarily, you cannot copy this irregular file to another booklet, because the flash musician locks the file entirely. Besides the file is mechanically erased when you close the Web browser.

VideoCacheView displays the flash files in the irregular booklet, and appropriates you to copy them into another booklet. VideoCacheView can handle irregular flash files produced by Internet Adventurer, Мозилла/Firefox, Opera Web browser. Be witting that you must wait until the browser finish to download them. otherwise, the replicated files will be bribed.

Running Television Charges Straight From The Hoard

Most Web websites nowadays use Flash video files (.flv elongation ) for running video inside the Web page.
VideoCacheView doesn't leave a progress - in video musician, but if you already have a video musician that is configured to play.flv files, VideoCacheView will be capable to use it for running the video files straight from the Web browser's hoard.

Возраст выхода: 2012
ОC: Win XP, View, 7
Тип лицензии: freeware
Стиль интерфейса: британский
Размер архива: 1.11/1.13 Mb
Категория: Софт | Просмотров: 344 | Добавил: orwirealwork85 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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«  Июнь 2014  »
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